
October 10, 2009

Where were we?????

So, I am finally giving my blog the time and attention it so needs and deserves.
I apologize to it and it's readers for not being around. I am sorry.
I hate excuses, but my life has been a bit crazy and I have not had either the time, energy or muse to sit here and write.

But I do now.

As I sit here on the sofa, with Jodi's laptop on top of a pillow, on top of my lap (while he watches the FL/LSU game tonight), I begin to think and to ask myself, where do I even begin?

It has been 2+ "quite" eventful months, so I am going to break it down for you into chapters.

Chapter 1: The Move, The Celebration and.....
Chapter 2: What are the chances?
Chapter 3: Short and Sweet summary of my September
Chapter 4: (untitled)

Chapter 1

So there I was, waiting for Jodi to call me to tell me the Uhaul truck was fixed and he was going to be able to make it that night. But no, him and Joel had to stay in a hotel somewhere near Jacksonville, FL because the stupid truck did not want to drive any faster than 25 miles an hr. Could you imagine? They would have arrived like 2 days after!
The day after, some mechanic came to meet them, fixed the truck (the computer got wet bc of the rain they encountered on their way up) and they continued their journey.
I was anxious, I wanted all my stuff (furniture mostly) to finally get here. I had already gotten all the boxes we brought up unpacked and everything ready for when they came.
My friend Ashley came to visit me and she arrived before the boys!

How sweet of her!

Around 3pmish, they finally made it!! YEYY!!! (both looked pretty rough! I wish I had a picture to insert here, it would have been funny!)
The guys worked hard and it was kinda fun for me to tell them where I wanted the stuff to go.

Even though I was sweating bc I noticed a bunch of scratches and dents on a LOT of furniture.


But who am I to open my mouth and sound ungrateful about all their hard work!

(ugh! I am still feeling the pain)
We finished up (kinda) and we all went to Christian & Lisa's for BBQ and had a nice, peaceful, entertaining dinner.
We came back home, got all cleaned up and played Poker. I don't even remember who won. (weird, considering how competitive I am)

It was a fun, eventful night... (and I will leave it at that!)

Chapter 2

That fun eventful night, pretty much changed our lives.
Let me start from the beginning until how I found out.

My best friend, Nina, had been talking, explaining and kinda trying to convince me that taking my basal temperature may be a reaaaaally good thing for when I wanted to try to start to conceive a second baby. She did it and it was very succesful for her.
Considering I am a planner, I never really got into the whole temping thing.

I wanted to be more laid back about the whole process.
However, after long chats with her and learning more about it, I decided to at least buy the thermometer.
August 8th (take a day, give a day) I took my first temperature.
I wanted to start learning about my body most of all.
I had in mind that when I knew how "everything" worked, then I would start trying to plan things better and maybe even try to "help" with trying to conceive a little princess.

With the move and with so much happening, I took my temperature I think every day. NO biggie. I posted it on the site that charts the cycle and tells you everything you need to know about conceiving for a few days.

August 15th, 2009, we moved into our new house, and as I mentioned before, we had a fun, eventful night.

2 days after, Jodi left to go to Mexico to close some deals.

I continued temping, but since I didn't have his laptop and had no internet connection yet, I just wrote everything on a little piece of paper.

He got home 4 days after. I don't recall how long after I sat down to enter everything on the website, but when I did, I was quite caught off guard.
Those of you who DO KNOW how to interpret this, may be thinking right now, I could've told you already you were pregnant! lol

But I didn't know much about it. I actually sent it by email to Nina and she mentioned that I could be... I think I ignored her when she said that. lol.

However, the website had a first month trial period where it would "help interpret it" and it did - it said: "Chances of conception = GOOD!"
So I realized, I ovulated a day after that night we moved.
Meaning - that egg could have been fertilized!
Meaning - AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know, a lot of information - but it is what it is - and it's no secret how things happen...

How could that possibly happen? AF just left like 4, 5, 6 days ago?
Maybe this month was a little wacky with the temperatures because of everything happening!?!? Right? right?

There is NO WAY I could be pregnant, right?
Well, there is a way! I did go off birth control about a month or 2 ago and I did celebrate that night.... but, but....

I really did not think for 1 second I was. Yes, I knew it said chances were good, so yes, I kinda had that in the back (waaaaaaaaaaaaay back) of my head, but I was trying to ignore it.

Jodi's parents, Susie and Toby came that weekend first. We had a great time as usual.
Then, Nina suprised me and told me she was coming to visit me the weekend after!

Friday, August 28th, we went grocery shopping and I decided to buy a box of pregnancy tests. Why not, right? We were going to try to start having a baby towards the end of the year, and u never know....
We bought a bunch of beer and I bought my GREY GOUSE (sp?) for tomorrow night!
I was planning to have my Red Bull and Vodka drinks and have a few laughs with Nina, Vic, our neighbors and Christian on Saturday night.
I even remember writing on Nina's facebook Wall about how funny it was that she was going to be the only one sober that night, for the first time ever.
I was totally already making fun of her and I was loving it!

August 29th. I woke up early and felt a sharp cramp.
Hmmm.... This doesn't feel right, I thought to myself.
It was painful and long.
Something about that cramp, and remembering Nina telling me about the cramp she also felt before getting her pregnancy test result, and the cramps I had felt before when I was pregnant with Jonathan, made me get up, open one of the drawers in my bathroom cabinet and pull out that big blue CLEAR BLUE box I had bought the day before.
I was NOT nervous. I was expecting a NOT PREGNANT.
I did what I had to do and waited.
Plus, I wanted to really drink that night and I wasn't going to feel good about it after I had seen my chart... so I wanted my peace of mind.

Tic Toc Tic Toc, no butterflies yet, until....

I looked down and I see:


I did not know how to react.
All I know is that my heart just started racing, I felt the instant butterflies, stepped out of the bathroom and threw the test on my husband's belly as he layed in bed while looking at him with a face that looked like I had just seen a ghost!!!
I don't know how much longer I waited, but I tried to take another one and it didn't work.
I didn't have enough liquid I guess. UGH!

Jodi got dressed, got in the car and went and bought a few more tests.

I took a 3rd one, and yep, it said the same thing. And a fourth one!


I was so nervous!
Nina and Victor were on their way.

Do I tell her right away? NO WAY! She is pregnant for the first time. Let's talk about HER first. Let's enjoy her pregnancy and celebrate it.

They got here and immediately after, I started giving her the tour of the house.
We went upstairs (and keep in mind, I HID the tests) and I walked her into my room.
She had been playing with her hair I guess, so she decided she was going to throw some of the loose hairs she had in her hand in that little hidden garbage can nex to the toilet in my bathroom.
And there it was - the EMPTY CLEAR BLUE box. No tests, just the box.
She did NOT miss that!
She came out of the bathroom yelling "AHAA!!! I saw that! Are you... (and as she was asking me, she noticed the terrified look in my face) PREGNAAaaaaaant??? (she had also seen and discussed my chart with me prior to all this).
I didnt have to say a word, SHE KNEW!

She went CRAZY! jumping up and down, laughing hysterically, screaming and running from one room to another back and forth...
It was like a scene in a comedy show.

Who would have thought?
Me and Nina both pregnant at the same time, only 1 and a half months apart!
We spoke about this while lil girls, but now it was a reality!
How cool was that?

Anyways, needless to say, there were 2 sober ones that night while everyone had their cocktails. It was fun though. I laughed all

Chapter 3

September is my favorite month. Of course it is! It is my birthday!!! woo hoo!
The month started great - we went to the doctor so they could confirm my pregnancy. HCG #'s were great. yey!
Nina and Vic came to visit again the first weekend of the month. They had planned their honeymoon vacation in Myrtle Beach, but that didn't really work out for them. So after having a horrible experience there the first day, they decided to just leave and drive down here instead.

Towards the middle of the month, the symptoms started. Morning Sickness (all day for me), tiredness (exhaustion) and latin food cravings!

We got to see baby J 2 on Sept 16th! WOW! Here we go again ladies and gentleman! There is a beautiful peanut growing inside me!

My birthday weekend was FANTASTIC!
We went to Disney - and for those who know me, I loooove Disney!
This time it was different. It was all about experiencing it as a mommy. And let me tell you, what a dream!
My baby had a blast and there is nothing better in this life, than seeing my baby happy!

We got to see the baby again and this time, hear her/his heartbeat on August 24th! How exciting! Dr estimated I was 7 weeks, 2 pregnant.

Here she/he is again! How cute, right? hehe!

Other than having my moments, when I start really missing my family and friends in Florida, I had a great month!

Chapter 4

I don't have a title yet for this chapter, but if I come up with something clever, I will update it.
I mean, it has been exciting so far.

Well, not really! lol

Just these past 4 days.

We got to go to Florida and see everyone! YEYY!!!

Well, I saw some of my most special friends and that made me very very happy!

I have to admit, I have had a little bit of a rough time here so far.

I get very lonely sometimes. I day dream about winning the lottery and moving back to Florida. That would be the only way, so far, we could move back, according to the deal me and Jodi made.

I have met some new friends (not that many) and there are 2 girls I really like.
I know they are great and I can probably say we will become close, but it takes time.
Plus, anyone new I meet, has some huge shoes to fill... I have to say, I have been one lucky gal when it comes to having great girlfriends!

And of course, we have Christian and Lisa - who we LOVE DEARLY and our wonderful neighbors too.


I miss my momtourage!!!!!

I am definitely NOT A LONER, that's for sure!

Anyways, life is good. It really is.

It is still wonderful! :-)

My husband is working like I have never seen him work before and building the best future we could possibly imagine having.

And I am AN EXTREMLY proud wife!

His hard work will be all worth it very very soon!

I leave you with Jodi's favorite picture of our precious son!

Our future SUPERSTAR!

Thanks for reading, as always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love reading everything you write. Love ya mamacita xoxoxo
