
April 23, 2009

No longer a blog virgin....


I am finally blogging!

I have been wanting to start my own blog for months and months.

Today, I decided I couldn't continue having it on my mental "To do list".
I must must MUST start it, even if its just 1 tiny little post.

I sat there looking at the screen and thinking to myself: Now What?

Where do I start?
What do I name it?
What do I say.....?

It was like staring at a white canvas, but I have to kind of paint some of my life on it instead...

Well, let me tell you, I have had quite some wonderful pictures to paint on it lately!

I start by saying:

I have changed.
The old Jenise I (and most others) knew, is no longer in existence.

I have a new meaning of life and I have truly discovered the meaning of living and loving!!!

10 months, 3 days ago it was when it all started...

Well, maybe more - but I say 10 months 3 days ago because that is when my life was changed forever.


I layed in an operating room waiting for the most incredible sound I could ever imagine hearing. I was desperate to hear his cry. I always dreamt of that moment, but nothing, no planning or dreaming about it, no "birth story" tv show, no books or articles, NOHING would prepare me for that particular moment in time when I heard him. I remember it clearly: The doctor said "Ok, Daddy! Prepare your camera, here he comes!". My heart must've stopped beating. I could hear myself breathing waiting. It was a few seconds and there he was, Loud and Clear. It was symphonic. Perfect, loud, amazing, beautiful cry from my own baby boy! I knew then that he was to become the reason I lived.


My life as a mother, WOW!!! wow wow and wow!

I always knew I wanted kids, 2 1/2, I would always say.

Now, I have my #1 and I can say, it's better than I ever imagined.

Jonathan Pete is his name and I am honored to be his mommy.

He lays there on his swing right now, taking his second long nap. (since he decided he didn't want to sleep much last night) as I write my first blog ever.

Daddy is in Atlanta on a business trip since Monday and I have been on my cloud 9 taking full care of him.

So he was born.

....June, July, August, Sept, Oct.....

Everyday was just WONDERFUL with my BUBU.

I have to say, as I am writing it, I am getting kind of emotional.

Where has time gone???

November was a rough month:

My wonderful, hard working husband had the "starbucks" meeting!

Yes, he got laid off....
(ohhhh, the economy... Can't wait to look back at this in a few years when things have finally improved)

I can now say, I panicked.

I was scared. I really was imagining the worse! Trying to decide which parent to live with if we couldn't afford paying our rent.

How could we go from having such a good little life, to not knowing if I could even afford our bills?
It was VERY stressful, to say the least.

BUT, I have a very positive husband that pulled us through - Aaaand KUDOS to myself too, I did change my attitude and started looking at the bright side after a little bit...

***I must thank ALL my friends and family members that supported and helped us through those few hard months ***

We had all our family get together @ our home for Thanksgiving, and that was fun!

Christmas came and went pretty quickly. We had our beautiful, baby boy themed Xmas tree. ( I always also dreamed about doing that when I had babies)

Nothing about our X-mas was fancy, but it was one of the most special ones!

February was our celebration month!!!
Jodi got a JOB! and a good one!!!


March & April... and here we are....

April 23rd, 2009: The day I won the powerball! HEHE!

No! not the whole powerball drawing, just the 1 powerball number: #12.

Even if it's only $3, I still get excited and celebrate!!!
(still hopeful about wining a big one!)

OK - - - - - -
I am going to stop writing right now, just because i want to learn more about this blogging world, as a current blogger! HEHE!

I follow a few blogs, specially my sweet pea ones, and I have to say, they are great!

I can only dream of having mine be so "cool" :-)

I have so much in my mind right now, so many stories I want to share...
So many questions:

Am I going to even share this with everyone? -or should I keep it more private (for me and my very close friends?)
Should I truly be open and write all the stuff I feel, or should I leave that to my "lil old" diary sitting here?

I don't know yet... I guess it will take it's own life as I continue along....

But the truth is, I am happy I have begun it!


Anonymous said...

Loved it

~Becky said...

Welcome to the bloggisphere my love!!
Can't wait to be audience to all the happenings in that pretty lil head of yours! AND of course, you just MUST overload us with darlin baby J pics!! I can not get ENOUGH of that boy!!

Anonymous said...

yay finally i can comment ! did you figure it out !!!?? newho .... u did so thats what matters ! :) glad you are on here ! lik bexi said .. overload with pics !

Anonymous said...

Chill!!! Life is a journey and everything happens for a reason. Live the present. Enjoy what you have around you. Take one day at a time. I know many things are easier said than done but people need to control emotions, this is what emotional intelligence is all about. No problem is bigger than God, so you know what to do. Let Jodi do what he has to do and with patience you do what is necessary to make things happen as smoothly as possible. You are lucky that you are not working and have to keep up with a schedule, otherwise it would have been harder. You need to concentrate on one thing at a time. First the birthday party with all your mom friends and family. I will be there to help you. Then little by little Jodi will keep you posted on what is happening so you know what to do. You probably can start some packing while I'm in Italy. Then when I'm back with you we will relax and come to unwind to Puerto Rico. While here you decide what's best and when to return to Florida. Believe me you will have all the time in the world to pack. One month more or less won't make things fall apart. Remember you will be moving farther away but it will be a new life and I'm sure great things will begin to happen. God has made it so that you may come here because who knows when will we see each-other again. But don't worry I'll make sure I will visit. Where there is a will there is a way!!!!!
Remember live the present. You are just confused with all the feelings but that is normal just calm down and pray that all goes well. I trust that you will handle this wisely. I love you all and your happiness is my happiness. MOM