
July 23, 2010

10 favorite things of mine...

I just love:

1.  When I am holding my baby girl in my arms while trying to rock her to sleep. We both stare at each other with so much love.  She is tired and her little eyes get heavier and heavier, but out of the blue, my little princess smiles at me. I melt.
And at that time, I thank God for giving me that moment.  A moment of pure joy, happiness and love.

2.  When I can hear Jonathan talking to himself through the baby monitor.  He counts to 10, he sings "quack quack here, quack quack here" and talks a lot of jiberish... I can't help but laugh.

3.  Watching "The Bachelorette" with Jodi.  I love that he watches it with me and we both chat about it like 2 bff's!  He is cute like that ;-)

4.  When I am nursing Julianna and it's quiet and all I can hear are her little "eating noises". Too cute! Makes me want to squeeze her.

5.  When I post something on facebook and I get tons of positive, nice and loving comments.  Makes me feel super special :-)

6.  When both my kids are sleeping at the same time.  Makes me feel like I have some control of this crazy little home I have ;-)

7.  When Jojo wants me, and only me! Most times he is just being dramatic, but I love it! He is still my baby too!

8.  Bathing Julianna! She loves it so much it  makes it really fun!  It's a smile fest! :-)
9.  Playing with Jojo - running, throwing ourselves in the floor, playing hide and seek, airplane, "cerdito" (ask me what that is if interested lol)...  He is such a little 2 year old boy with so much energy!  His laughter is the best sound in the world!

10.  Reading emails from my special cousin.  I am addicted to his messages now.  Makes me feel like I am reading a book.  And he is so funny - I forgot how funny he was until now that we communicate.

And I am going to stop right now!

It is 11:16 pm and I should be starting to fall asleep right about now.
I am yawning! 

Julianna woke up once while writing this short blog.
I fed her and now she is back asleep in her swing.  Such a cute baby! Seriously!

Jodi is fishing with Jared (and I am not sure if anyone else is there).
Jojo was so tired today - he didn't want to take his nap.  Me no likey when that happens.
Normally Jodi brings him upstairs to bathe him at 8:00 pm and then puts him down. But the poor thing was so tired, he was literally falling asleep while sitting up in Jodi's lap at 7!
That was funny!  I should have taken a picture! ha! 

I have many many other favorite things I can write about, but these 10 came up to my mind on this Friday night, as I sat in bed, using Jodi's laptop and watching 20/20 in the background.

Good night to me!

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