
May 3, 2010

39 Week Appt

Today, I am an 4 cm dilated.  60% effaced and baby is in -2 station.
Pretty awesome, considering 4cm is considered active labor.

I honestly thought last night was the night!
I had horrible contractions and some new pains on my side and other random areas.
I was able to sleep in half an hr intervals or so.  I didn't freak out, since I was not in excrutiating pain.  But I was concerned.
I want my mom to be here so bad for baby Julianna's Birth.   I want to make sure if I do know I am in labor, I contact her immediately so she can get here as soon as possible.  It's crazy because I do not want to call her and tell her to jump in the plane if I am not in real pain in case it's just a false alarm.  But at the same time, what if I don't and then I wait until I am in agony and it's too late?  Just gotta play it by ear....

My 39th week appt went just as expected.  Dr F wasn't too too encouraging (again).  She said, and I quote her, "I do not think you will have your VBAC" and "I hope you prove me wrong". 
How am I supposed to feel with THAT? ugh!
Is she going to REALLY help me prove her wrong, or does she want to be right in this case?

I just don't understand how I keep reading and reading how bigger babies ARE NOT the cause of C-Sections.  How Dr's CANNOT tell a woman if she is able to birth the baby or not (based on baby size, or pelvis being narrow, or mommy being "short" - all of which I have been told) and how you don't know ANYTHING until you are actually trying it.
Why does she think I wont be able to have a successful VBAC?
Why doesn't she trust my body and her skills?
She wants to do an ultrasound next week (40 wks 2 days) to see baby's size! But everyone knows, ultrasounds at this stage are extremely inaccurate. So what is the purpose?

I try to get it out of my head, but it is a little discouraging.  Thank God I have educated myself enough to continue focused.  Thank God I have faith in myself and have a support group I go to on a daily basis to get some encouragement and strenght! I think without it, I would have followed Dr's advice, gotten induced over a week ago and ended up with my C-Section.

I am not sure what is going to happen, of course.  And if I do end up loosing this battle, it is ok - as long as I know I tried my best. 

I guess we all have to be patient and see what happens.  I am dying to know myself!

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